Presto Player Changelog

Version 2.0.6 – June 19th, 2024
– New: Compatibility with Presto Player 3.0.

Version 2.0.5 – Februray 15th, 2024
– New: Timestamp behavior on presets.
– New: Setting to pass playlist highlight color to players.

Version 2.0.4 – December 7th, 2023
– Fix: PHP deprecation notices with PHP 8.1+

Version 2.0.3 – November 21st, 2023
– Fix: Issue with Kadence CSS variables not applying to playlist styles.

Version 2.0.2 – September 15th, 2023
– Fix: Pro version not able to be automatically updated for some users depending on plugin load order.

Version 2.0.1 – September 14th, 2023
– Fix: Issue with private video on playlists.

Version 2.0.0 – September 5th, 2023
– New: Playlists
– Improvement: Update HLS streaming library for more reliable streams.

Version 1.2.1 – November 30, 2022
– Fix: Issue with email capture not working on audio player.

Version 1.2.0 – October 21, 2022
– New: Webhooks integration for email collection.

Version 1.1.11 – August 11, 2022
– Add ability to filter default storage zone for classic implementation of videos.

Version 1.1.10 – July 6, 2022
– Fix php notice when WP_DEBUG is enabled.

Version 1.1.8 – November 24, 2021
– Fix issue with Stream libraries not being created if blog name is more than 100 characters.

Version 1.1.7 – October 14, 2021
– Add user analytics link to user profile page.

Version 1.1.6 – August 4, 2021
– Fix issue with Mailchimp connections.
– Fix issue with tags being limited with ActiveCampaign.

Version 1.1.5 – June 30, 2021
– Workaround for bug with API where private token authentication is not enabled.

Version 1.1.4 – June 23, 2021
– Add Play only in Viewport feature.
– Add login message for private videos.
– Per user video analytics.
– HLS loading improvements.
– Fix date dropdown in analytics.

Version 1.1.3 – June 3, 2021
– Fix issue Mailchimp tags not applying

Version 1.1.2 – May 11, 2021
– Fix issue with video previews on analytics page.

Version 1.1.1 – Apr 26, 2021
– Fix issue with Learndash instructor roles not being able to access videos.

Version 1.1.0 – Apr 22, 2021
– Integrated with Stream service!

Version 1.0.1 – Apr 6, 2021
– Remove unused composer packages to prevent possible conflicts with 3rd party plugins.

Version 1.0.0 – Apr 6, 2021
Email Capture – capture emails from visitors to allow watching of videos on your site. Integrate with FluentCRM, Mailchimp, MailerLite, or ActiveCampaign.
Youtube Privacy Enhanced Mode – you can now turn this global setting on to embed YouTube videos without using cookies that track viewing behaviour.

Version 0.0.7 – Mar 30, 2021
– Fix permissions issue on analytics page.

Version 0.0.6 – Mar 12, 2021
– Add missing translations.

Version 0.0.5 – Feb 22, 2021
– Automatically optimize pull zones for video when they are created.

Version 0.0.4 – Feb 16, 2021
– Initial release.